Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Time To Upgrade?

"Thou shall not covet"...

The old one is working fine but it's almost 2 years old
and blah, blah, blah [insert justification here].
Help me Landrum. Talk me out of it.

One Semester of Spanish - Love Song

Feel the passion.
Best line: "No remembro how to say 11"

"Shut up! You had me at "Donde esta el baño”..."

One Semester of Spanish - Love Song

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Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Sunday, September 23, 2007

The Builder

In an effort to train this young man in the ways of men (can i get a grunt from the guys out there), I've been teaching the Little Guy how to use tools and other manly objects. He now knows the difference between a nail, bolt, screw and tack. He's mastered the art of swinging the hammer. I even threw in a few power tools: the drill and a jigsaw.

He's really loving it. So much in fact that for the last four weeks he waits for me at the door when I come home and yells "Papa! Can we play with wood today?". Well buddy, that's a discussion we'll save for a later date but we can work on the birdhouse.



Nine weeks till Adam's wedding. It's going to be here before we know it.

They use to be called Bridal showers but lately they're more like Wedding showers where both men and women get together to celebrate an upcoming wedding. We had Sarah and Adam's at Lisa's house Saturday night. It was well attended by both family and friends. Sarah's whole family came up from the Tampa area (Palm Harbor).

As always, click on the photo for a larger image.

Long time friends of the family with Blue Eyes.

Lisa lookin' as pretty as her mother.
That's Sarah's brother Matt and her younger sister Lindsey.

Blue Eyes, Angela and Mom.

Lindsey with Sarah's parents, Matt and Rita.

Fathers of the Bride and Groom.

Proud abuelo.

Yeah. He's my son.

Friends since Elementary school.

Mom and Pop lookin' good as gold.

Thursday, September 20, 2007


It wasn't that long ago.

Sweet II

More sweetness. I am such a techno dweeb.

At this week's TechCrunch40 expo, an exclusive, invite-only gathering of 40 technology startups, a company named Extreme Reality showed off its 3-D Human Interface product. The software uses a simple everyday Web cam to translate your movements into on-screen controls such as zooming, tilting, panning and cursor movement.

The iBible

Hat tip to Robert. Thanks.

Best lines:
"It quotes itself out of context!"
"It even self-deletes the verses it knows that you don't like."

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Help Me, Please

This is a little on the blue side so if you're offended by necessary bodily functions (sort of), don't watch.

You've been warned.

Keep an eye on his knees...

Sunday, September 16, 2007

A Weekend of Music

I am told the night before I was born my mom had spent the night dancing to the Latin rhythms of the season (December birthday). I know of only two people who love music as much as I do. That is my mother and my daughter. It's in the blood.

Friday we had our monthly family poker night at Dave's house. We took a break from poker and had a karaoke night. I have an eclectic collection of over 4700 karaoke songs from ABBA to ZZ Top. It's interesting watching a karaoke gathering. At first no one wants the microphone (even in the midst of family). By the end of the night we're all fighting for the thing. Everybody likes to sing. My mom and I were even dancing up a storm during the country songs. I've got friends in low places... We had a great time.

Saturday afternoon David Gilmore from Pink Floyd had a live event from London that was beamed out to a number of theater venues throughout North America. Lisa and I both enjoy his music so we set out to I-Drive where they were showing it. It was a 3 hour show. Part of it was live and part of it was a sneak preview of his yet to be released DVD showcasing his last concert tour. It was a great afternoon of music. At first they had a few technical difficulties. This was the first time something like this was ever tried so it was to be expected. But after the first 25 minutes they seem to fix it all.

And speaking of Pink Floyd, that same night one of my old band mates was playing at a local eatery with his new band so Lisa and I headed over there to check it out. The music was ok but I felt a little out of place. Not my kind of crowd.

Contrast that to Sunday morning. Surrounded by brothers and sisters in the faith, one of my favorites hymns begins:

O for a thousand tongues to sing
My great Redeemer’s praise,
The glories of my God and King,
The triumphs of His grace!

My gracious Master and my God,
Assist me to proclaim,
To spread through all the earth abroad
The honors of Thy name.

I love all kinds of music. But music that's lifted up to the creator... well, it doesn't get much better than that. Music has to be one of His greatest gifts to us.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Friday Stupid Double Shot

No need to know the language. The videos speaks for themselves.
You gotta love the Japanese.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Life Is Short?

After his struggle with cancer, another friend pass away a few days ago. He was my counterpart on the church side. Among his other jobs, he took care of the technology at Orangewood Presbyterian Church. He was also a gifted artist and he had a heart of gold. We often would compare our Tech stories as we attempted to support our sometimes clueless users. He had a great sense of humor.

I started to write about it and came across Vicki's words. She does a better job than I ever could. Check these two entries.

It's often said that life is short. Many times I think "Ah yes, but compared to what".
If you base the totality of your existence in this life, life is not short.
Life is your whole enchilada baby.

But in light of eternity this life is short. But what follows is not.
Live your life accordingly.
Hope to see you soon, Greg.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


I just came across this great find. allows you to create a temporary email account on the fly.

This is a great way to keep you regular email account from getting clogged up with spam. It's also very useful for when you sign up at forums, newsgroups, software downloads, sweepstakes or other dubious sites that require email confirmation.

Here's the FAQ.

Check it out here.

Monday, September 10, 2007

And That's What's it's All About

This has been around for a while but it still make me laugh out loud.

With all the major news, sadness, and trauma going on in the world, it is worth reflecting on the passing, which may have gone unnoticed, of a man who had a great influence on American culture.

Larry LaPrise, the man who wrote "The Hokey Pokey," died peacefully at the age of 83 in Boise, Idaho.

Reportedly, the most traumatic part for his family was getting him into the coffin.

They put his left leg in .... and that's when all the trouble started ....

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Happy Anniversary To Us

29 years married and counting. Love you babe.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

I Can See!

I have a number of side businesses that keep me pretty busy. I have one client I visit on a monthly basis. The company is not big enough to have a full-time IT person so I come out once a month and maintain and repair their computers and servers. This morning I jumped on the motorcycle with my reading glasses in my pants pocket. When I got there I realized they had slipped out and were probably sitting on Interstate 4. My reading vision is not too bad... well maybe it is because I couldn't see a thing. Windows XP has this neat little feature called a magnifier that allows you to magnify portions of the screen so I was able to cheat a little bit and take advantage of that feature.

When we go to Mexico there is not a more pleasant sight than watching a person, young or old, who hasn't been able to see for while, after they received their glasses. Priceless.

More Mexico Pictures

We've opened a public Flickr site to post our pictures here.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Here Kitty, Kitty

Patty, you want to adopt this one too?

That's Bull

That'll teach 'em to keep him to keep him corralled like a beast.
Wait a minute...


See? I told you it was too expensive.

Jenn, you should have waited. I'll stay with mine for a while.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Home Sweet Home

Great trip but there' s no place like home. Thanks to all who commented
and were praying for us. See you soon.

Monday, September 3, 2007

More Pictures

This was where our friends lived and the results of the mudslide.

This was the giving of the gift ceremony/service.

Long Day

UPDATE: Sorry for the wacky text. I lost connectivity.

We're on our way back from our very long day. It's midnight and we've got an hour ride back. We started the day early with devotions, had breakfast and then were off to our first of two services with our Mexican friends. The first service was held at the Santa Cruz community center and the second was held at the Jalalpa center.

The second service was special in that we were able to give the families that lost all their belongings the furniture we help build for them. It was a very emotional service and very satisfying.

After the service we piled the 80 pieces of furniture into a moving truck for delivery. Before we left we gave each family a cooked chicken (from a local Costco no less), a couple of loaves of bread and a liter of coke. We then proceeded to all go over their temporary dwelling to have dinner with them. It almost looked like the scene from the movie "It's A Wonderful Life" when they helped move Mr. Martini into his new home.

Each one of us were assigned a family. All of the non-Spanish speaking memebers of our team (which is most of them) were quite nervous. If you didn't know Spanish it was pretty much hand signals. It was great for me ;-) I brought my guitar, we ate, laughed, sang songs... we had a great time.

I've posted pictures below this entry. We're coming home Tuesday evening.

I'm missing Blue Eyes more than I can say.

Day Of Worship

Bongo Man

Me and my homies chillin like a villan. Yo.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Mission Accomplished

Construction Day

Living on a garbage dump/land fill

Orangewood workers

Mexican workers

One Team

We had dinner at a restaurant that had a mariachi band.
Mom, this one's for you.