To celebrate our 30 years of marriage (Sept. 9), Blue Eyes and I decided to join the ranks of the rich and famous for a weekend. We headed over to Palm Beach and spent the weekend at
The Breakers.It was only a 3 hour drive and, Hurricane Ike not withstanding, the weather turn out to be fantastic.

Given our limited budget, we had booked a standard room. When we arrived the lady checking us in announced "We've got good news! To honor your anniversary we've upgraded your room to an ocean front, luxury suite!" Well, we smiled and said thank you very much not knowing what awaited us. We then proceeded to our room. HOLY SHINOLA!! Unbelievable.
View to the left...

And view to the right...

The boudoir....

the sitting room...

and of course the very happy couple...

We later learned the room rents for $1000 a night. YIKES!
After the shock wore off, we headed down to the beach area.
I returned to the room an hour later to get Blue Eyes a bottle of water and found this on the table..

Our good friends had sent us a bottle of champagne with about a dozen chocolate covered strawberries. As you can see I left one for the Mrs....
We went out for dinner Saturday night and spent Sunday lounging around the pool area until it was time to come home. All in all we had a great weekend.
Sunday night Lisa made us our favorite shrimp dinner with cheesecake as our dessert.
Perfect weekend.
I leave you with the card the little guy and his mommy gave us for our anniversary.
Notice the captions on the front of the card and his little note on the inside...