Wednesday we're off to Mexico for our annual Labor Day mission trip. Our church has been going to Mexico City for the past 20 years. More details from past trips here, here and here. This year will be the first time we go to serve in Oaxaca.
Oaxaca (pronounced Wa-Ha-Ka) is a little southeast of Mexico City. We'll be working with the same Mexican ministry, Armonia. We'll be there for 6 days and like in years past, we will be holding medical and eye clinics handing out hundreds of eyeglasses. We will also be doing some construction.

To those of you who pray, please pray for traveling mercies along with a prayer for the safety of our health (does that make sense?). Oaxaca is the city of the first death in the 2009 Swine Flu Outbreak.
I'm told the place we're staying will have Internet so being the Techno Dweeb that I am, I will be blogging the trip from my phone and Netbook. Check back here for updates. For my Facebook community, I'll try to double post, but this will be the primary place to check.