Monday, March 1, 2010

Bike Week 2010

Last year I went with my cousin. This year I went alone.
The best part of going to Bike Week, besides getting to see cool looking bikes, is watching the people that go. I stood on a corner for an hour just watching everyone go by.
Most of the people are guys my age with graying or losing hair.
I fit right in.

The weather was a little chilly (for Florida) in the morning.
Once it warmed up to 68, it turned out to be a beautiful, sunny day .

I did notice more three wheelers this year.
I guess we're losing our balance :-)

Here's 3 minutes.


Roses in December said...

We used to see tons of those 3 wheelers in GA in the mountains. I would drive one of those, might help me with the mult-tasking thing I struggle with when it comes to motorcycle driving - do they make automatic 3 wheelers? That would be even more awesome. B

Terri said...

Is your 3 wheeler on order, U?