Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Shadow Art

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1 comment:

Miriam said...

Hey cuz these are great, In the words of one of my best friends: That's freaking amazing!!!

I was just catching up on the Cardona blog and moved on to yours. I was reading what you wrote about in your helmet story and wanted to share this with you.

Bryan moved out of our home when he turned 18. On various occasions we invited him to return and each time he declined. Sometimes I was weak and wondered why this was so and what had we done so wrong that he did not want to come home. The other day, I got my answer from God.

It was his plan that Bryan stay where he was so that we could get used to not having him around so much. He's been in boot camp (Army) for 3 weeks now and I am in pain because of his absence. What else can you expect from a mother? I can't help but miss him. Now I understand that the Lord was actually preparing each of us for this separation and that's why Bryan did not accept our invitations.

I have God in my heart all the time and never question His will. I just did not realize time this was His plan for the 3 of us. As always I'm thankful for having Him in my life.

Now, although hard, it's been tolerable. I pray for my child, my baby, who is so far away and going through rough times. I pray that the Lord is touhing his heart and I know that he'll come back a better person and a man.

Please keep him in your prayers.

Love ya!