I really don’t care what our so called celebrities do in their personal lives. The only reason I try to catch late night talk shows once in awhile are for the opening monologues on popular culture. I find both Letterman and Leno no longer funny. They’re more annoying than anything else. Lately I’ve been recording The Jimmy Kimmel Show. His opening monologues are great because he’s not so full of himself like the other two. Plus he’s actually funny.
The one thing I can’t get past on any of these shows (and too many others) is the studio audience. Where do they get these people? These are the people (mostly young women, by the high pitched sound of their screams) that start to scream, hoop and holler at the drop of a hat. They scream when the host comes out, when the guests come out, when the celebrity or host says something they agree with, in the middle of the monologue, in the middle of the conversation… SHUT UP already. I’ve really come to believe they are the same group of people that show up at these other stupid shows like Dancing With The Stars, American Idol (sorry honey), The View, award shows and any daytime
Anyway, it drives me nuts. While I'm getting things off my chest, allow me to rant about clappers. These are the people who find it necessary to let everyone around them know they agree with whatever the speaker has just said by clapping. And they won't stop until a bunch of other
Anyway, I see clappers in church all the time. For once I would just love to see no one join in. Sometimes you'll see them looking around encouraging others to join in by nodding their heads or even (God forbid) standing up.
All in Christian love, of course...
Best line...I never heard of anyone coming to Jesus by reading "GOT JESUS" on a minivan...it could happen, but I feel it cheapens the gospel".
PS Im not a clapper, but I am a hand raiser.
Hand raisers are OK. You can't hear them.
ah my friend, we all worship in different ways... God made us a diverse people. I appreciate your heart.
Well said....I applaud your sentiments!
Seriously, I have a friend in the entertainment industry (he was a producer for the Montel Williams Show) and one of his job descriptions was to fill the audience with the appropriate crowd. For example, if Sly Stallone was a guest on Oprah, the audience was stocked with members of the local Sylvester Stallone Fan Club.
Go figure.
I'm sensing someone pissed on your wheaties today! And don't you just love when you are sitting quietly in church and the standerupers-standup and block your view in church? I want to shout, sit down moron,I mean brother, I can't see the preacher, standing up doesn't make us hear better, now does it? I am seeing the few hairs on your head standing up in this one U.
Amen, brother! I agree that people feel the need to spread their discontent with life by forcing others to see their view point. It drives me crazy that people have made so much money selling things that say "WWJD" or other such pithy quips. Just do it...don't try to proselytize to the world and "show off" how holy you are. I'll come listen to you preach any day.
I don't mind clapping in worship. I think that's great and Biblical. I especially love the rhythmic clapping you see in many black churches. It's just that annoying, interruptive, rude clapping I don't care for.
Yes, my cereal was a bit soggy that morning. And yes, standing through most of a service annoys me too.
You love being annoyed old man. :)B
Tell us how you really feel, U. There will always be those who feel like they need to draw attention to themselves, sadly even in church.
Not to belittle or cheapen your – I’m not quite sure what to call it: posting, tirade, sermon or cleansing – but should Leno or Letterman ever have an open mic you should be first in line! I laughed because I agree, because I can relate and because finally someone said it out loud.
I love the bumper sticker philosophy of witnessing. Problem is, half of the vehicles boasting “Got Jesus” have outdated tags, are wrecked with bumpers falling off, have children bouncing around the backseat and are driven by unseatbelted drivers yapping on their cell phone.
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