Monday, June 15, 2009

It's The End of Civilization

I was cutting the lawn yesterday and this lady is walking her two little mutts past my house.
It's time to poop so she stops in order for them to do their business.
Now, I see this all the time in my neighborhood.
I understand not wanting to step in poop so I guess people should curb their dogs (whatever that means). But people actually walk around with these little plastic bags to clean up after their dogs.
Is this now a part of American culture? Have we sunk so low?
Obviously we haven't. Read on dear reader.

So I'm cutting the grass trying to ignore this pooper scooper lady when she not only pulls out her little plastic bag, she also takes out a little bit of toilet paper and gives the old hound a wipe or two!!

I almost shinola-ed myself (which begs the question.. would she have done the same for me?)
See folks, this is why I will never, ever own a dog.
Pick up his shinola?!? Pullllease!
Wipe his poop shoot ?!?
End of the world tomorrow.

This is also why cats are the coolest.
I know Patti and Vicki agree with me.


Vicki said...

Now U, I DO have a dog, who loves me more than life itself (which is probably why I have the dog), but I don't pick up his poop. I walk him on the public walkway on the main road near our house where scoop free pooping is allowed. :)

U said...

Dog owners take note: there is a scoop free poop zone near Vicki's house. Meet there at noon tomorrow. No bags or TP required.

patti said...

LOL! LOL! LOL! Yeah, at least cats let you scoop THEIR poop in the privacy of your own home.
Remember, DOGS have family, CATS have staff.