Sunday, June 21, 2009

Pet Peeve # 31545

It seems like my list is growing larger and faster the older I get. Beware young folks. Coming to your neighborhood soon.

Anyway, back to my grumpy-ness. You see it all the time. Instead of using the actual word, they use the first letter of the word. The N word. The V word. The E word. The D word. Would you stop it already and just use the stupid word? You're confusing the old folks.

And while I'm at it, why do men still wear their shirt collars up? I thought that went out with the 80's?


patti said...

I did NOT realize that Vortex was a cuss word.
Double that on Ewok

Anonymous said...

Grumpiness is NOT attractive at all! It comes with old age.

Vicki said...

I love you when you're G.