Thursday, September 13, 2007

Life Is Short?

After his struggle with cancer, another friend pass away a few days ago. He was my counterpart on the church side. Among his other jobs, he took care of the technology at Orangewood Presbyterian Church. He was also a gifted artist and he had a heart of gold. We often would compare our Tech stories as we attempted to support our sometimes clueless users. He had a great sense of humor.

I started to write about it and came across Vicki's words. She does a better job than I ever could. Check these two entries.

It's often said that life is short. Many times I think "Ah yes, but compared to what".
If you base the totality of your existence in this life, life is not short.
Life is your whole enchilada baby.

But in light of eternity this life is short. But what follows is not.
Live your life accordingly.
Hope to see you soon, Greg.

1 comment:

patti said...

From one of your clueless peeps...Im crying. Thanks for the reminder that this aint it.